hoxby and me
Hello Hoxby!
You surprise and delight me
I'm an absurdist
I like to show up with beady but positive eyes and be a flamingo (?) in a flock of pigeons
Absurdists recognise the world around them as a construct. Its structures, insanities, are man-made. We believe we can unmake and remake things better, turning chaos into purpose.
My first job was one I bluffed my way into, when I graduated with a degree in modern languages but became assistant manager of a commercial shopping centre overnight. On many a night when I locked up the adjoining car park I would think "hmm, random".
My absurd path has treated me kindly. I have worked for a non-governmental organisation, an international charity, a global publisher, two of my own tech startups and many social-purpose organisations. I currently mentor in techforgood and youth entrepreneurship and freelance as a social innovation strategist. In all of my T-shaped guises I have been creating something new, trying to get from zero to somewhere special; whether for a project, a collaboration, or a digital product. It hasn't been picnic-y all the way, but the things that have roughed me up have made me stronger. In January this year I hustled a new therapeutic music app into existence with my husband - we think this could be our minimum viable future once we, and our children, are truly untethered!
I haven't worked in a formal setting nor for an employer other than myself for 17 years. I don't fit the usual mould and I am yearning to escape what I most dislike about freelancing which is working alone. Hoxby sounds like a place where I can shift up a gear, collaborate with others, learn and deliver exceptional things, all while doing fruitful work.
My values and quirks are: no bullshit, no echo chamber, raise others up before yourself - and fight with every fibre of your being the clickstream chaos and keystroke crisis of our distraction age - all while building great technology that solves validated social needs in a scalable way.
Makes sense? I did say I was (an) absurd(ist)!